South Kingstown Public Schools

interoffice memorandum

to:                 school committee

from:           Robert Hicks

subject:      strategic plan update

date:            7/2/2004

cc:                  administrators, town manager

Attached to this memo is an update of the district’s strategic plan. It has been compiled over the past month by the district’s administrative team and is designed to reflect actions taken to implement the action plans developed in 2002 and point toward future steps.  For ease in reading, the update maintains the format and language of the existing plan for each action plan item, and, in the right side of each box, adds the update.

I would bring to your attention the following summarization:

·        Action plans that deal with the development of curricula (Strategy #1) have moved forward.  Specifically, the adoption of performance standards, improving communication and integration of curricula and implementation of a standards-based instructional model, instituting a common literacy assessment and development of a coaching model are notable.  The challenge remains to continue this development and ensure consistent implementation across schools and grades.

·        The increase in professional development detailed in Strategy #2 shows progress.  Specifically, policies and mechanisms that are in place, an expansion of professional development models that are available, middle level coursework, and fiscal analyses of professional development expenditures.  The challenge remains to institutionalize professional development and to create additional opportunities for schools to build activities into their schedules and structures.

·        Strategy #3, which is focused on community relations, has seen district action with respect to CARES, Family Advocacy, community communications, and an expansion of relationships though school-based actions.  The challenge remains to take the school-based outreach activities and make them a coordinated district-wide effort.

·        The creation of intervention and support services for students (Strategy #4) has been visible in individual literacy plans for students (PLP’s), high school literacy intervention, and extended day kindergarten.  Additionally, existing services have been focused and refined.  The challenge remains to coordinate our special and regular education interventions in an effective and efficient manner.

·         To establish a district data management system with benchmarks (Strategy #5) software was purchased and is in the final stages of implementation.  Training has been underway throughout the installation.  The challenge remains to identify the data points against which to measure progress.  This process began in the fall.

The following next steps are recommended to build on the work of this update.

1.      The School Committee use the next framework session (May 25) to continue work on the establishment of data indicators for the district.

2.      The School Committee form a Strategic Advisory Committee that will meet three or four times a year to make reports and recommendations to the School Committee on:

§         Necessary revisions to the Strategic Plan

§         Progress on the Strategic Plan

§         An assessment of the district’s role in supporting school improvement based on the Department of Education standards




STRATEGY #1         Develop and support rigorous and comprehensive standards-based curricula


We will establish a school-community environment with all stakeholders committed to a comprehensive standards-based curriculum demanding high performance linked to our core beliefs


Action Plan #1: To Implement a South Kingstown School Department Curriculum Pre-K-12 that is horizontally and vertically linked and aligned to the State of Rhode Island Frameworks and established Standards




Action Steps



Adopt New Standards-Performance Standards for K,1,2,3,4,8 10 English

·         Performance standards have been adopted in anew curriculum in English

·         Grade level (K-8) and grade span (9-12) expectations are complete in English and mathematics and in planning in science and health

·         Standards-based grading has been developed in kindergarten, is in process in primary grades and planned for middle/secondary grades

·         Rigorous and comprehensive curricula are complete in English, nearing completion in mathematics, and planned in science and health.  Social studies (and additional subjects) are planned for years after 04-05.

·         Prospectively, consider expanding standards to include areas within the RI Common Core of Learning (physical education, technology, fine arts).


Develop grade level expectation PreK~12 for all students, including student with disabilities that are aligned with New Standards, nationally developed subject Standards and State of RI Framework.


Research and make recommendation for district-wide grading system that relate to New Standards rubric.


Develop and support a rigorous and comprehensive standards based curricula demanding high performance from all student that provides a sound core-knowledge and in-depth understanding of math, science, social studies, English Language Arts and Health




STRATEGY #1         Develop and support rigorous and comprehensive standards-based curricula


We will establish a school-community environment with all stakeholders committed to a comprehensive standards-based curriculum demanding high performance linked to our core beliefs high performance linked to our core beliefs


Action Plan #1: To Implement a South Kingstown School Department Curriculum Pre-K-12 that is horizontally and vertically linked and aligned to the State of Rhode Island Frameworks and established Standards




Action Steps



Integrate into k-12 curricula, the arts, technology, school to career, community based learning opportunities and acceptance of diversity.

·         Integration of subjects is taking place through the following steps:

o        Graduation by proficiency regulations at the high school are integrating performance skills across subject matter areas

o        School-based coordinator brings school to career and community based learning to high school

o        Elementary laptop labs and professional development providing integration with technology

o        High School academies

·         Communication of standards, curriculum and assessment to community:

o        Superintendent’s  newsletter (implemented)

o        School newsletters (partially implemented)

o        School and district web sites

o        Curriculum (with parent-friendly version) on web (implemented)

o        Presentations at school committee meetings (most televised) (implemented and ongoing)

o        Parent forums planned for Fall of ‘04


Communicate standards, curriculum, and assessment to families and community







STRATEGY #1         Develop and support rigorous and comprehensive standards-based curricula


We will establish a school-community environment with all stakeholders committed to a comprehensive standards-based curriculum demanding high performance linked to our core beliefs


Action Plan #2:       Implement standards-based instructional model




Action Steps



Teachers use a variety of teaching strategies, accommodation and modifications to enhance student achievement

·         Professional development to expand the use of diverse teaching strategies, accommodations  and modifications, including:

o        Differentiated instruction training (implementation varies by site, future consistent implementation)

o        K-5 Harcourt intervention implementation and training (implemented and planned)

o        Differentiation built into coaches’ preparation (planned)

o        Training through the principles of learning (POL)

·         Performance based instructional measures:

o        Personal literacy plans (PLP) implemented in 04-05

o        PLP computerized k-5 (04-05)

o        Common elementary assessments

o        ELA benchmark papers and common assessments in development

o        High school end of course examinations in implementation and development

o        High school performance graduation standards developed during 04-05


Develop instructional evaluation measures and performance based assessment for an curriculum area


Implement Learning Plans for each student, which measure his/her performance against grade level expectations and include necessary accommodations, modifications and enhancements






STRATEGY #1         Develop and support rigorous and comprehensive standards-based curricula


We will establish a school-community environment with all stakeholders committed to a comprehensive standards-based curriculum demanding high performance linked to our core beliefs


Action Plan #3:                    Every child in SK reading proficiently by end of 3rd grade



Action Steps



Implement summer literacy program (K-8)

·         Literacy integrated into redesign of ESY program for special education

·         Regular education students placed in ESY on a space available basis

·         Common literacy assessments in place K-5 and selection of of tool being made in 6-12

·         There are elements of family literacy in place in schools, but no district-wide program.

·         A Family Literacy grant was submitted in collaboration with SC-CAP, but not funded.


Implement district grade level literacy diagnostic assessment         


Develop family literacy program




 STRATEGY #1        Develop and support rigorous and comprehensive standards-based curricula


We will establish a school-community environment with all stakeholders committed to a comprehensive standards-based curriculum demanding high performance linked to our core beliefs


Action Plan #4:       Students not reading proficiently after grade three will receive intensive instruction in reading



Action Steps



Hire reading coach to develop strategies and to train teachers

·         Rather than hire additional coaching personnel, coaching roles are being established for existing literacy staff.

·         A three-tiered model was developed with classroom intervention, supplemental support, and intensive instruction.

·         The high school literacy support model will be implemented in grade 9 in 04-05 and grade 10 in 05-06


Development and Implementation of literacy competence support and sustain program



STRATEGY #1         Develop and support rigorous and comprehensive standards-based curricula


We will establish a school-community environment with all stakeholders committed to a comprehensive standards-based curriculum demanding high performance linked to our core beliefs


Action Plan #5: Investigate and develop alternative educational programs for all kids, which accommodate different learning styles and are available during the school day or as an extended school day/school year.



Action Steps



Implement the EXCEL Project           

·         EXCEL was implemented in 02-03, but eliminated due to funding constraints





STRATEGY #1         Develop and support rigorous and comprehensive standards-based curricula


We will establish a school-community environment with all stakeholders committed to a comprehensive standards-based curriculum demanding high performance linked to our core beliefs


Action Plan #6:       Identify a set of outcome measures to evaluate Action Plans 1-5



Action Steps



Implement mechanism to assess Action Plans 1.5         

·         Action plan assessment is undertaken through report to the School Committee



STRATEGY #2         To actively involve all staff in professional development with the goal of improving student achievement


We will establish a school-community environment dedicated to life-long learning linked to standards based curriculum, and an understanding of how learning is acquired and measured.


Action Plan #1:        To develop district policies and procedures for professional development



Action Steps



Establish clearly written and communicated district and school based policies for professional development for certified and paraprofessional staff that support district standards driven initiatives

·         Professional development funds are allocated to schools and the district

·         District allocations are made available to all schools

·         Implementation costs of the Principles of Learning (IFL) are paid through district allocations to assure equal access

·         The Article 31 process provides each school with the ability to determine if additional  professional development days are its priority

·         The district professional development team was re-established and meets to review and plan activities


Ensure that professional development opportunities are equal across the district without reducing current levels


Establish procedures for requesting and utilizing professional development days beyond contractual allowance


Re-establish district professional development team


Create a mechanism for an annual review of professional development priorities


STRATEGY #2         To actively involve all staff in professional development with the goal of improving student achievement


We will establish a school-community environment dedicated to life-long learning linked to standards based curriculum, and an understanding of how learning is acquired and measured


Action Plan #2:        To increase the active involvement of all staff in high quality professional development.



Action Steps



Establish individual professional development plans that are aligned with building School Improvement Plans and District Strategic Plans

·         Individual professional development plans are developed in accordance with contractual provisions

·         The following professional development models are in place or planned (as noted):

o        Grade level meetings for school and district (in place)

o        Coursework (in place)

o        Release time (in place)

o        Summer institutes (in place)

o        Coaching (in place and planned)

o        Book study groups (in place)

o        Critical friends groups (planned)

o        Learning walks (initiated and planned)

o        Externships (implemented)

o        Looking at students work (planned)

o        Teacher-Support Team (formerly CAST)


Expand the formats of professional development delivery to include but do not limited to:

a. Release time

b. Summer institutes

c. Internships

d. site/in-class training and coaching

e. grade Ievel sessions/work teams

f.  team involvement, e.g. SIT, CAST


others as references to current "best practices" Resource: Journal of Staff Development, etc.




STRATEGY #2         To actively involve all staff in professional development with the goal of improving student achievement


We will establish a school-community environment dedicated to life-long learning linked to standards based curriculum, and an understanding of how learning is acquired and measured.


Action Plan #3: Provide professional development to support the action plans of the South Kingstown District Strategic Plan, with training specific to all new and continuing educational initiatives



Action Steps



Plan and deliver training as indicated by Action Plans in Strategic Plan

·         Middle level coursework completed in 02-03

·         Turning Points participation in middle level training at CCMS

·         See 2:2-2 for professional development format detail

·         Professional development content:

o        ELA implementation

§         Balanced literacy (disciplinary reading)

o        Technology

o        Middle level strategies

o        Principles of Learning

o        Differentiated Instruction

o        Inclusion strategies


Provide training for appropriate personnel in middle level education practices (refer to District Middle Level Committee work 9/97-12/97; Carnegie Foundation), to support the implementation of middle level education curriculum


Sustain professional development that addresses ongoing needs (technology, health, safety, etc)





STRATEGY #2         To actively involve all staff in professional development with the goal of improving student achievement


We will establish a school-community environment dedicated to life-long learning linked to standards based curriculum, and an understanding of how learning is acquired and measured.


Action Plan #4         Increase the percentage of annual district budget for professional development based on current local, state and national references in conjunction with South Kingstown District Strategic Plan.




Action Steps



Perform an initial analysis of current district spending for professional development from existing district budget and use data to develop a fiscal plan

·         Analysis of professional development spending conducted in 8/02, presented to school committee in 9/02, and incorporated into budget goals.

·         District level of professional development increased at rate to reach state average in 05-06.  Current spending on track to reach that goal.


Achieve a level of District Professional Development funding in the annual budget to address the District Professional development plan/district Strategic Plan




STRATEGY #3         Initiate and sustain partnerships with families, businesses, municipal groups, local agencies and community members to enrich school improvement efforts.


We will establish a school-community environment with all stakeholders committed to student achievement


Action Plan #1         Ensure productive cooperation among various community organizations that supervise student activities



Action Steps



Meet with leaders of various existing organizations in order to define common goals and to reduce areas of overlapping interests.

·         Meetings occurred with the following agencies to coordinate activities:

o        DCYF re: KEY Program and placement procedures

o        SC-CAP re: Family Literacy and Head Start

o        CEDARS re: family system support

o        YMCA: child care and summer programming

o        ARC re: summer programming

·         Youth Group coordination:

o        Athletic and recreation programs coordinated with Town Recreation and YMCA

o        SRO application coordinated with Police

o        Education programs coordinated with –

§         Women’s’ Resource Center

§         Museum of Primitive Culture

§         Center for Non-Violence at URI


Meet with leaders of community youth organizations (e.g. Scouts) to determine the extent to which their activities might be coordinated with various school activities.



STRATEGY #3         Initiate and sustain partnerships with families, businesses, municipal groups, local agencies and community members to enrich school improvement efforts.


We will establish a school-community environment with all stakeholders committed to student achievement


Action Plan #2         Increase involvement of families in South Kingstown



Action Steps



Increase the participation of families, mentors, tutors, and volunteers, in the classroom and school.

·         Expanded CARES funding to increase mentors, volunteers, and tutors

·         Expanded Family Advocacy funding to increase participation of disenfranchised families in school

·         Planned shift in Family Advocacy role to focus on professional development and school development of family friendly systems

·         Creation of South Kingstown Education Foundation


Educate faculty and staff on how to most effectively incorporate Family involvement in the school.                                                     




STRATEGY #3         Initiate and sustain partnerships with families, businesses, municipal groups, local agencies and community members to enrich school improvement efforts.


We will establish a school-community environment with all stakeholders committed to student achievement


Action Plan #3:       Develop and sustain productive partnerships with South Kingstown businesses



Action Steps



Meet with focus groups composed of business leaders to discuss the feasibility of various initiatives (workshops, panels,

Seminars, etc.) to connect schools with businesses.

·         Business group (12-15 members) created as Academy Board of Governors

·         School based coordinator position established to link school programs with vocations

·         Internships initiated with school based coordinator and high school academies


Establish a rigorous student internship program involving a variety of professions and occupations.





STRATEGY #4         Ensure appropriate intervention and support services for all students from Preschool through high school graduation to maximize achievement in all educational programs.


We will establish a school-community environment dedicated to ensuring that no student is left behind; that support services exist to permit every student the opportunity to achieve our stated performance outcomes


Action Plan #1         Sustain Student Intervention Programs




Action Steps



 Research Student Intervention Programs in District, Establish mission statement and clear objectives for each. Eliminate duplication of services

·         Student intervention programs researched:

o        Extended day kindergarten (implemented)

o        Reading Recovery (implemented)

o        Center for Academic Achievement (implemented)

o        ESY programs for special education (implemented)

o        K-8 school reading interventions (implemented)

o        High School literacy (planned for 04-05)

o        Project success (high school personalization)

·         Student intervention sustained through:

o        Extended day kindergarten development, training and implementation

o        Creation of Center alternative program

o        Single full day kindergarten at Peace Dale

o        Restoration of Reading Recovery training and implementation

o        Procedures and coordinator for CAA

o        Reorganization of ESY programs

o        Coaching and classroom integration of K-8 literacy interventions

o        Planning and staffing for high school literacy

o        Advanced high school students take college courses

·         Policy, procedures and protocols established through:

o        Literacy intervention model

o        CAA protocols

o        ESY reorganization

o        High school literacy in course descriptions


Sustain Student Intervention Programs           


Establish policy, procedures and protocols that direct and support student intervention programs

STRATEGY #4         Ensure appropriate intervention and support services for all students from Preschool through high school graduation to maximize achievement in all educational programs


We will establish a school-community environment dedicated to ensuring that no student that support services exist to permit every student the opportunity to achieve our stated performance outcomes


Action Plan #2         To develop a comprehensive system of early intervention/prevention



Action Steps



Explore possibilities for the reorganization of kindergarten.  (For example: extended day, class size, use of teaching assistants, daily schedules).

·         Extended day kindergarten implemented

·         Single full-day kindergarten implemented at Peace Dale

·         Full day kindergarten costed-out and brought to budget discussion

·         Preschool transition process redesigned with home school placement prioritized




STRATEGY #4         Ensure appropriate intervention and support services for all students from Preschool through high school graduation to maximize achievement in all educational programs.


We will establish a school-community environment dedicated to ensuring that no student is left behind; that support services exist to permit every student the opportunity to achieve our stated performance outcomes


Action Plan #3:       Sustain various ancillary/alternative services and programs



Action Steps



Coordinate and access a variety of support services for children with various needs within general education and increase the variety /level of support services available to students (also see "curriculum" for support/alternative programs.

·         Student support center at high school

·         Literacy initiative (reading K-8, literacy at high school)

·         ESY open to regular education on space available basis

·         Expansion of Family Advocacy

·         CARES volunteers and URI reading interns

·         Implementation of Harcourt interventions (k-5)

·         Differentiated instruction training (partially implemented)

STRATEGY #5         To create a process to analyze and utilize data to measure the success of each program supporting student achievement.


We will establish a school-community environment that values data as vital component of the decision-making process, a district capable of processing and utilizing and sharing data


Action Plan #1         Build internal school networks and an inter-school network that will allow access to the Internet and a capacity for information collecting, sharing, and analysis.



Action Steps



Hire a communications consultant to design an inter-school network for data communications, provide cost estimates and specifications suitable to bid, and to identify support staff requirements.

·         Consultant not hired, initial design completed in-house

·         Program funded through capital budget

·         Completed for Hazard, High School summer 04, other schools on 5-year timeline

·         Frame relay operated district Wide Area Network (WAN)

·         See Technology Plan for additional details


Identify funding sources


STRATEGY #5         To create a process to analyze and utilize data to measure the success of each program supporting student achievement.


We will establish a school-community environment that values data as vital component of the decision-making process, a district capable of processing and utilizing and sharing data 


Action Plan #2         Purchase district student information software to facilitate student data collection.



Action Steps



Form a committee to develop a listing of the particular data needs that the schools and the administrators have

·         Purchases made, final in 03-04, Installation complete by September 04

·         Future steps-

o        link data collection to standards-based report card

o        create electronic portfolio


Submit a request for proposals to vendors of student data software


Purchase individual school software packages and district software package

 STRATEGY #5        To create a process to analyze and utilize data to measure the success of each program supporting student achievement.


We will establish a school-community environment that values data as vital component of the decision-making process, a district capable of processing and utilizing and sharing data


Action Plan #3         To identify data necessary to support strategic plan and to format that data to facilitate collection and analysis



Action Steps



Identify data sets and individual data points that will be collected using district-wide student data software as selected in 5:2 necessary for reporting on district, state, and federal evaluation reports

·         Data points for student demographics selected through SASID dictionary (statewide and federal system)

·         Local assessment data points need to be determined, will be complete when final assessments chosen

·         E-class electronic grading implemented 6-12

·         Design of electronic elementary report card underway with Assistant Superintendent and software vendor


Develop procedures to guide teachers in the recording of student achievement and assessment information.







STRATEGY #5         To create a process to analyze and utilize data to measure the success of each program supporting student achievement.


We will establish a school-community environment that values data as vital component of the decision-making process, a district capable of processing and utilizing and sharing data


Action Plan #4         Train teachers and staff to enter data and access data in the format that they require.



Action Steps



Specific training in the use of district-wide data software to be provided      by the software vendor.

·         Filemaker system for special education implemented and training near completion

·         District data package installed in April 04, district training in April, school training in May

·         August implementation for Hazard, Peace Dale, Farm and Center (last schools not on district system)

·         Middle School schedule training in April and May


On-going training from the software vendor as new features are added and new versions are created


Local training in various software packages (spreadsheets, etc.) and the transfer of information from the student data system to them to assist in the analysis of the data.