







The mission of the South Kingstown School Department is to educate the children of South Kingstown in partnership with families and community, so that each student becomes a responsible individual who possesses the knowledge and skills for full productive citizenship.







á     Every human being has intrinsic worth and each individual must be provided opportunities to become a life-longer learner.


á     A well-balanced development of mind, body and spirit is important so that the total individual can flourish.


á     All children want to learn and do so in a variety of ways.


á     Each student will have the resource necessary to discover and develop his or her potential.  They will (shall) be provided with equal opportunity to develop, accept, and exercise personal responsibility.


á     Collaboration among diverse people builds and strengthens community.


á      It is the shared responsibility of family, students, school personnel, and elected officials to work together to create a positive educational environment.

Plan Background

This strategic plan builds on the prior plan that covered the period 2002 to 2006.  That plan was assessed through periodic progress reports in 2004 and 2005 with a de novo review in 2006.  The 2006 review integrated the strategic planning process with the school committee goal setting process.  The goal setting process is grounded in the districtÕs accountability system and the review of the districtÕs progress during the summer of 2006.  That review was based on quantitative data from the accountability system and focus group data gathered by the school committee.  The School CommitteeÕs work was them reviewed by the administration, whose action step recommendations were in turned reviewed by the School Committee.  This plan is the result of that work.

The strategic plan has two components.  The first consists of the goals and actions derived from the districtÕs own review of its progress and data.  The second consists of mandated components required by either legislation or RIDE regulation, regardless of local review.  There is overlap between these two components, as some mandated components also surfaced in local review.



Plan Goals


Locally Determined Goals

1.     Continues Accountability Work Ð the work of the subcommittee this past year provided a solid beginning in creating an accountability structure for the district.  This work should continue and accountability should be a component of all our work.

2.     Improve Communication Across the School System Ð to date the committeeÕs communication work has been focused on the district level.  Communication should be a system-wide goal permeating every facet of the school system, including, for example, how someone is greeted when they walk in the door, the technology systems we put in place, consistency in implementation, clarified expectations, and policies.

3.     Improve High School Success For All Students Ð continues a goal from last year and is amplified by the state requirements for proficiency graduation.  The committee expressed interest: in learning more about why students drop out; looking for options that intervene early when signs of failure appear; how the K-8 system can support high school success, seeking solutions that both retain students and improve school safety; and resolving the limitations imposed by the high school schedule on flexible programming, most notably internships and work site learning.

4.     Supporting Innovative Strategies for Student Achievement Ðthe committee is interested in what policy initiatives would promote innovative programming in the district.  This work will need to address the innovation and consistency balance, budgeting for innovation, and necessarily supportive cultural shifts.



Continue Accountability Work Ð the work of the subcommittee this past year provided a solid beginning in creating an accountability structure for the district.  This work should continue and accountability should be a component of all our work.

Action Steps

Implementation Plan

Resource Requirements

Complete the data items in the accountability framework that address critical questions

Create options for accountability measures in cooperation with district staff

Select indicators with accountability subcommittee

Integrate indicators into system

(Lead responsibility - superintendent)

Time: staff, administration and subcommittee

Modify the student data base to include achievement data including state assessments, PLP assessments, and other available data

Select data for inclusion

Design pages for data

Create process for data input

(Lead responsibility Ð assistant superintendent, technology director)

Time: assistant superintendent and technology staff

Develop an understanding of studentsÕ reasons for dropping out and their history in the school district

Develop survey of students dropping out

Develop profile of students who have dropped out

Implement survey and profile of students dropping out

(Lead responsibility Ð high school principal)

Time: high school principal and guidance staff

Develop a system that monitors and ensures curricular implementation across the school district

Prioritize curricula for monitoring

(Lead responsibility Ð assistant superintendent)


Improve the linkage between financial data available through In$ite and student achievement data within the accountability system

Analyze In$ite data with accountability subcommittee to determine best linkages

Select indicators and include in accountability system

(Lead responsibility Ð superintendent)

Time:  administration and subcommittee

Establish data linkages between district accountability system and school improvement plan data

Include accountability system data in school improvement discussions and reviews for individual schools

As school improvement plans are revised, include goals and indicators aligned with district goals

(Lead responsibility Ð superintendent)

Time: administration, school improvement teams




Improve Communication Across the School System Ð to date the committeeÕs communication work has been focused on the district level.  Communication should be a system-wide goal permeating every facet of the school system, including, for example, how someone is greeted when they walk in the door, the technology systems we put in place, consistency in implementation, clarified expectations, and policies

Action Steps

Implementation Plan

Resource Requirements

Develop communication expectations that apply across the school district and become a policy document

Create inclusive process that surfaces expectations regarding communication

(Lead responsibility Ð superintendent)

Time, opportunity

Conduct staff training on communication as it relates to their components of the district expectations

Use district policy on communication expectations to train staff members (Faculty, TAÕs, secretaries)

Build training into district PD day

(Lead responsibility Ð shared as results from expectations Ð assistant superintendent, principals)

Time for training

Technology support for communication media (phones, internet/webpage, listserv, Connect-Ed)


Complete the technology components of the communication expectations, including (1) web access of parents to student data (2) voicemail access throughout the school system, and (3) improved web site information


(Lead responsibility Ð technology director)


Develop process to communicate district accountability system to the community utilizing both the district and individual schools

Use district account framework to analyze individual school data.

Plan report night to share individual school data with parents and community based on accountability system.  This will include goals and strategies to address areas of need (SIT members and staff members would be invited to attend)

 (Lead responsibility Ð superintendent for district, principals for schools)

Means to disseminate information include:  letter home to parent/guardians, Connect-Ed, website posting




Improve High School Success For All Students Ð continues a goal from last year and is amplified by the state requirements for proficiency graduation.  The committee expressed interest: in learning more about why students drop out; looking for options that intervene early when signs of failure appear; how the K-8 system can support high school success, seeking solutions that both retain students and improve school safety; and resolving the limitations imposed by the high school schedule on flexible programming, most notably internships and work site learning

Action Steps

Implementation Plan

Resource Requirements

Examine the linkages between K-8 programming and requirements for high school success and align K-8 work with these requirements

Using district scope and sequence/expectations

  • Review GLE and GSE
  • Align student programs with GSE/GLE
  • Utilize lab classrooms and math coaches to implement strategies for at risk students
  • Review PLP strategies and monitoring data, revise for effectiveness

(Lead responsibility Ð K-8 principals)

Summer retreat for administrative work

Elementary time for lab classroom and math coach work (JEPD/article 31/unified arts schedule

Examine and, as necessary, revise the high school schedule to facilitate alternative and flexible programming for students


(Lead responsibility Ð high school principal)


Assess the need for alternative programming within the structure of the high school to provide more flexible options for students within the high school


(Lead responsibility Ð PPS director and assistant)


Analyze and improve the high school system for spotting student failure early, involving families, and in developing interventions


(Lead responsibility Ð high school principal)


Analyze data on course enrollments by racial, economic and special education status and incorporate in school improvement plan actions related to disparate patterns


(Lead responsibility Ð high school principal)


Establish linkages and partnerships with community agencies that expand the system of supports available to students and families

Conduct community planning session on substance abuse prevention and intervention resources

(Lead responsibility Ð PPS Director)

Administrative time



Supporting Innovative Strategies for Student Achievement Ðthe committee is interested in what policy initiatives would promote innovative programming in the district.  This work will need to address the innovation and consistency balance, budgeting for innovation, and necessarily supportive cultural shifts

Action Steps

Implementation Plan

Resource Requirements

Use accountability data to identify where innovative strategies are most pressingly needed

Identify ineffective intervention program strategies through PLP and NECAP data

(Lead responsibility Ð shared, superintendent for district, principals for schools)

Data from school improvement planning

Planning time

Identify opportunities for innovative strategies within structural changes to the school district (e.g. middle school reorganization, school day expansion)

Revise unified arts/itinerant schedules

After-school remedial math program

Explore a language program

Explore enrichment activities

Service low level reading during 6th grade reading block on 3-person team

(Lead responsibility Ð shared, superintendent for district, principals for schools)

Elementary scheduling software

Coaching time

Build professional learning communities that support innovation

Establish common district understandings re lab classrooms, reflective practice, coaching, JEPD

Establish classroom visit schedule with learning walks, lab classrooms, coaches

PD in the principles of Professional Learning Communities

(Lead responsibility Ð shared, superintendent and assistant superintendent for district, principals for schools)




Mandated Elements


District status

Action Necessary

Include strategies to decrease obesity and improve the health and wellness of students and employees through nutrition, physical activity, health education and physical education

Committee formed and working

Policy adopted

Implementation planning

Policy review and evaluation

Include assurances that the district has adopted a plan to ensure continued education of students who are removed from the classroom because of a suspension of more than ten (10) days or who are chronically truant

Alternative programming developed

Partially implemented, full implementation expected during 06-07

Implement and monitor

Indicate the method in which school administrators and staff shall achieve and maintain an orderly educational environment

Indicators included in accountability system

Safety and discipline policies adopted

Evaluate effectiveness through accountability system

Indicate the manner in which self-studies will be completed at the school level

Includes goals for alignment between school improvement plans and accountability system

Continue implementation

Develop, implement and evaluate a Personal Literacy Program for each student [K-3] who is performing below grade level

PLPÕs developed and in place K-12

Evaluate effectiveness of PLPÕs

Describe a scientific research basedÉreading instruction to improve the reading skills of all students in the early grades [K-3]Éaligned with the Regents reading policy

Reading instructional plan developed through curriculum and supported by Principles of Learning

Monitor effectiveness and implementation

Include strategies and a two year timeline for creating more personalized learning environments for high school students.

Strategies included in SKHS submission for CommissionerÕs PBG review

Implement strategies

Include specific information about the methods and means by which students who are reading below grade level will attain at least grade-level abilities [by May, 2004].

Information included in PLP and RTI plans and manuals

Continue implementation

Describe how high schools will incorporate applied learning for all students through classroom, work-related and/or community service experiences [by May, 2004].

Described in SKHS submission for CommissionerÕs PBG review

Implement strategies

Address strategies for responding to, recording, and planning for each individual studentÕs social/emotional, academic, and career needs beginning [by] grade five [by May, 2004].

Included in comprehensive guidance program

Implementation and monitoring

Be based on high academic standards for student performance consistent with the statewide standards and benchmarks.

Standards set in accountability system and graduation requirements


Be the product of a shared community wide process which defines a vision of what students should know and be able to do.

Process included survey data, focus group data, and public review sessions


Address the needs of each school in the district.

Includes goals for alignment between school improvement plans and accountability system

Continue implementation

Encourage the development of school-based improvement planning and implementation.

Includes goals for alignment between school improvement plans and accountability system

Continue implementation

Include a process for mentoring of new teachers.

Included in CBA and implemented


Be designed to improve student achievement with emphasis on closing the performance gapsÉcorrelated with poverty, gender, language background, and disability.

Included in accountability system

Continue implementation

Include establishment of student intervention teams to address the instructional needs of diverse learners.

Teams established through TST, RTI, and other school-based models

Monitor implementation

Include high standards for student behavior.

Indicators included in accountability system

Safety and discipline policies adopted

Evaluate effectiveness through accountability system

Be consistent with Rhode IslandÕs Comprehensive Education Strategy.

Plan aligned with RIDEÕs PSI framework


Include strategies to improve the performance of students in mathematics, reading and writing.

Included in accountability system
