South Kingstown Public Schools

Recommended Capital Improvement Plan

Period Beginning July 1, 2008


Six-Year Bonded Component

FY 2009 through FY 2014


This document details the projects proposed by the school department for completion during the next six year period.  It is based on the facility audit completed in July 2001.  This yearÕs submission includes changes from prior plans based on a reapplication of the facility study in accordance with current conditions.  The following priorities guided the development of this document:

In order to address these priorities, the following systems were reviewed:

There are additionally changes in the presentation and organization of the capital plan this year.  The most significant, although not only, factor creating the changes is the reduction in available revenue resulting from a combination of the local property tax cap and restrictions in state aid.  Notable among these changes are:

  1. The amount of dollars allocated to the bonded program is reduced from the $1 million annually that had been funded in prior years.  Building envelopes are in better shape and catch-up work nears completion.  Fewer funds will be available for bonded work due to restrictions on tax revenue and reduced impact fees resulting from a slowing of building growth.
  2. Projects in the bonded program are not scheduled every year.  The fees associated with issuing bonds make it more cost effective to combine projects and reduce bonding costs.
  3. Parking lot repaving is removed from the bonded program and included in a proposed restricted capital account.  Lighting projects are included in the bonded program and an account will be created in the operations budget to utilize energy savings from the projects to repay the project cost.  A full explanation of this plan is included in the 5200 section of the capital improvement plan.
  4. Projects for South Road School were removed from the plan since they are supported by a separate funding source, the restricted account in which rental receipts are placed.



District-wide 6-year plan


Roof Replacement


Roofs are scheduled for replacement on a 20-year schedule.  All flat roofs will be replaced with built up modified bitumen roofs.  This design is vandal resistant, provides added protection from the weather and the life expectancy is much greater than the single ply.  Actual life of roofs can vary, and the actual time of replacement can be adjusted as the scheduled time approaches depending on roof condition.  All current roofs are in good condition or better and there are none in need of immediate replacement.  Shown below are roofs scheduled for replacement and their installation date.


Roofing Summary











Total Program

High School Addition






West Kingston Additions

1987, 1991





Wakefield Addition






Matunuck Additions

1987, 1991





Total Annual














Flooring Replacement


This replaces worn out flooring throughout the district, including carpets and VAT (vinyl asbestos tile).  Included in this project is the necessary asbestos abatement work and moisture sealant where necessary.  All flooring will be replaced with VCT or a hybrid that is a cross between tile and carpet (fuzzy tile).  The application will be determined by the location and use of the area.  The hybrid tile product is solid backed and seals out moisture and dirt from penetration.  This product carries a 20 year guarantee.  This work will improve indoor air quality and avoid potential allergic reactions.


Floor Replacement




School Facility

FY 2009

FY 2011

FY 2013

Total Program

High School





Curtis Corner





Peace Dale





West Kingston




















Total Annual












Lighting Upgrades


The schools have been successful in saving costs through energy conservation.  To date, savings have come through changes in behavior.  Additional savings will require some capital investment, the most pressing through energy efficient lighting fixtures and switching.  RISE completed an audit of several schoolsÕ fixtures to establish priorities and retrofits were prioritized by the audit results.  In 2007-08 facilities with the highest reimbursement (PDES, WES, CCMS, Hazard, and Administration at 75%) were retrofitted with an expected 2-year payback.  The next priority is schools with a lower reimbursement due to utilization (SKHS, MES, and WKES).  These carry only a 25% reimbursement and are scheduled for 2008-2009.  An audit is complete for the high school (see below) and is awaited for Matunuck and West Kingston.  The elementary school data reflects an estimate from National Grid and RISE Engineering.  The plan is to do one-third of the high school next year, the elementary schools in 09-10, and finish the high school in 10-11.  Upon completion of the full audit this data will be updated.  To utilize energy savings to repay project costs, a line will be established in the operations budget to transfer to the town an amount to meet the bonding obligation.


Proposed Lighting Upgrade





Net Cost

Savings kW

Savings $









4.4 years



















WKES and MES Electric Systems


The electrical systems at Matunuck and West Kingston are currently functional and functioning.  These are both electrically heated schools, so have heavy loads, especially in winter.  The major issue is that their control systems are obsolete and no longer manufactured.  Replacement parts are currently available from suppliers, but inventory is not replenished.  Consequently, a time will come when the systems cannot be repaired and extensive work may be necessary.  Similarly, with these schools conversion to a heating system that is not electric has been considered.  However, with current energy pricing, a conversion is not cost beneficial and consequently not planned.  This should be monitored, however.



FY 2009 Projects - $463,000


High School


Hazard Field Renovation ($150,000) - Funds are allocated to grade, add topsoil, reseed, install irrigation, and replace fencing in order to maintain and improve the field for heavy usage.  The Hazard field has minimal topsoil and, consequently, a weak grass cover.  It is a hard field with rocks, increasing risk of injury.  Additionally, over the years usage has grown (girlÕs teams and lacrosse in the spring) leaving the field with no recovery time.  If we have a dry summer the practices leave the area with little or no ground cover. Community groups stopped using the field years ago because of the situation. Additionally, many of our physical education classes use Old Mountain field because of the condition of Hazard field. This is a practice that takes away from valuable class time and is a safety issue when crossing Route 108. We have had two students hit by cars and other close calls.  After consulting with town recreation, we believe that with proper irrigation and field maintenance Hazard Field can become a safer and more versatile playing area for the schools and the town for decades to come. It will also make school time more efficient by reducing the need to walk classes to Old Mountain Field. The final result will be an overall safer program with greater field availability.


Peace Dale School


Replace Flooring ($50,000) - This will replace the flooring on the upper floor of the building.


Wakefield School


Replace Flooring ($30,000) - This will replace the flooring in the addition to the building. 


Lighting Upgrades


SKHS, MES, and WKES ($233,000) - The next priority is schools with a lower reimbursement due to utilization.  These carry 25% reimbursement with a payback of between 4 and 5 years and are scheduled for 2008-2009. 



FY 2011 Projects - $1,005,000


High School


Replace Flooring ($20,000) - This will replace the flooring in the library. 


Curtis Corner Middle School


Replace Flooring ($80,000) - This project replaces the VAT flooring in the 100, 200 and 300 wings of the building.




Replace Flooring ($30,000) - This project will replace the original carpeting in the administration building.


West Kingston School


Roof Replacement ($275,000) - This will replace the roofs on the original and second additions to the school.


Matunuck School


Roof Replacement ($275,000) - This will replace the roofs on the original and second additions to the school.


Wakefield School


Roof Replacement ($75,000) - This project will replace the original roof on the addition to the school.


Replace Single Pane Windows ($250,000) - This will replace the single pane windows installed in the original building.




FY 2013 Projects - $1,655,000


High School


Roofing ($765,000) - This project will replace the roofs on the buildingÕs additions.


Curtis Corner Middle School


Replace HVAC System ($400,000) - This will replace the original HVAC units on the 400 wing of the building with energy efficient gas fired units that are digitally controlled for maximum energy savings, expand air conditioning to areas of the building occupied year-round, and replace unit ventilators in the original building.




Replace Rooftop AC Units ($90,000) - This will replace the original HVAC units with digitally controlled gas fired units for maximum energy efficiency.


West Kingston School


Replace Flooring ($200,000) - This project will replace flooring in the entry, corridors and other remaining isolated spaces.  It completes the replacement program.


Matunuck School


Replace Flooring ($200,000) - This project will replace flooring in the entry, corridors and other remaining isolated spaces.  It completes the replacement program.










Superintendent Proposed Six-Year Bonding Program


Fiscal Year 2008

Fiscal Year 2009

Fiscal Year 2011

Fiscal Year 2013

 Six Year   Total







High School






Replace flooring


 $              -  

 $        20,000


 $        20,000

General Renovations


 $              -  

 $              -  

 $             -  

 $              -  



 $              -  

 $              -  

 $     765,000

 $      765,000

Hazard Field Renovation


 $      150,000

 $              -  

 $             -  

 $      150,000


 $    705,000

 $    150,000

 $      20,000

 $   765,000

 $    935,000







Curtis Corner Middle School






Unit heaters and cabinet ventilators

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $     400,000

 $      400,000


 $              -  

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $             -  

 $              -  

Replace flooring

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $        80,000

 $             -  

 $        80,000

Replace rooftop air conditioning units

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $             -  

 $              -  


 $              -  

 $              -  

 $      80,000

 $   400,000

 $    480,000







South Road School






Renovate bathrooms

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $             -  

 $              -  

Roof replacement - addition

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $             -  

 $              -  

Replace single pane windows

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $             -  

 $              -   


 $              -  

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $             -  

 $              -  













Lighting Upgrades districtwide

 $        54,000

 $      233,000

 $              -  

 $             -  

 $      233,000

Security Upgrade

 $        70,000

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $             -  

 $              -  

Replace roof top air conditioning

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $       90,000

 $        90,000

Replace flooring

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $        30,000

 $             -  

 $        30,000


 $    124,000

 $    233,000

 $      30,000

 $     90,000

 $    353,000







Hazard School






Replace roof

 $        81,000

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $             -  

 $              -  


 $      81,000

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $             -  

 $              -  







Broad Rock Middle School

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $             -  

 $              -  


 $              -  

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $             -  

 $              -  







West Kingston School






Replace electrical system

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $             -  

 $              -  

Roof replacement - addition

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $      275,000

 $             -  

 $      275,000

Flooring, entry and corridor

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $     200,000

 $      200,000


 $              -  

 $              -  

 $    275,000

 $   200,000

 $    475,000







Peace Dale School






Replace flooring

 $              -  

 $        50,000

 $              -  

 $             -  

 $        50,000


 $              -  

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $             -  

 $              -  


 $              -  

 $      50,000

 $              -  

 $             -  

 $      50,000







Wakefield School






Renovate Bathrooms

 $        40,000

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $             -  

 $              -  

Replace flooring - addition

 $              -  

 $        30,000

 $              -  

 $             -  

 $        30,000

Replace roof - addition

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $        75,000

 $             -  

 $        75,000

Replace single pane windows

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $      250,000

 $             -  

 $      250,000


 $      40,000

 $      30,000

 $    325,000

 $             -  

 $    355,000







Matunuck School






Replace roof

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $             -  

 $              -  

Replace roof  - addition

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $      275,000

 $             -  

 $      275,000

Flooring, entry and corridor

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $              -  

 $     200,000

 $      200,000


 $              -  

 $              -  

 $    275,000

 $   200,000

 $    475,000







Less 2006-2007 Funding












TOTAL - School Program

 $    800,000

 $    463,000

 $ 1,005,000


 $ 3,123,000








South Kingstown School Department

Recommended 2008-2009 Capital Purchase Plan (5200)


Recommended Change in Structure of the 5200 ÒPay-As-You-GoÓ Capital Program


Summary:  A change is recommended in the structure of the 5200 capital accounts.  This account pays for capital items that are not bondable due to a life span of less than 20 years or for other reasons.  The change will create a restricted account, outside the regular operations budget, to pay for these items.  The account would be funded from three sources:

  1. Appropriations in operations budget of the school department, as 5200 items are now funded.
  2. Assignment of undesignated funds in which the School Committee can transfer funds from its undesignated fund account to the restricted capital account.
  3. State reimbursements received on expenditures made from the reserve account and eligible for housing aid would be placed in the reserve account.
  4. This plan will not be workable if the current school funding environment (i.e. restricted property taxes, capped state aid, no funding system) remains.


Currently, capital items that are not bondable are paid for out of the school department operations budget.  Typical projects undertaken from these accounts include technology improvements and replacements, painting, and vehicle replacements.  Over time, the school department has found it difficult to sustain funding for projects in this account.  The need to sustain operations has eroded the funds for capital items.


Beginning with the FY 2007 budget the school department, along with the town, faces the limitations imposed by Senate 3050 that places decreasing caps on increases in the tax revenue that is available.  This, combined with limited state funding that arises from a combination of restricted state revenue and a prioritization of state funding on urban communities, makes it impossible to sustain budgeting practices as they existed up to this point.  Specifically, operations budgets are squeezed in what may be supported therein and bonding projects are limited through a decreasing ability to support bond payments through property tax appropriations.


A partial solution is to create a restricted capital account to fund 5200 capital projects.  This will not create additional funds for the projects, but will allow the school department and town to create a more even and sustainable revenue base.  While funds may be available on an uneven basis based on the ability of operations budgets to include appropriations and the capacity of the undesignated fund balance to make transfers, a restricted account allows the school department to even out expenditures while retaining balances in the restricted account, rather than have unexpended 5200 funds revert to undesignated funds as now occurs.


The restricted account can also serve as a means to capture and retain funds resulting from project savings that can then be used for similar projects.  From a financial policy perspective, the restricted 5200 account is a highly appropriate vehicle to expend undesignated funds because capital expenditures are non-recurring, as opposed to operations, which are recurring.  Since undesignated funds may be considered Òone-timeÓ revenues they are best applied to program expenditures that are also not automatically recurring.  Regardless, it should not be forgotten that the use of undesignated funds to 5200 items means those funds will not be available for operations.  Consequently, their utilization must be part of a multi-year plan for operations and capital spending.


A multi year plan that utilizes undesignated funds for a combination of capital and operations is outlined.  It should be clear that if the state tax cap remains in place, state aid continues to be restricted, and no legislative changes are made to address accelerating pension costs, operations will suffer significantly in order to fund this plan.  It is also likely that if all the conditions above remain, operations will suffer greatly even if this capital plan is not funded.  The plan below will provide for the repaving of the Wakefield and West Kingston parking lots.  These are the two most critical lots.  It will also provide a decreasing of undesignated fund dollars to support operations and will deplete the undesignated funds in 2010-2011, assuming that no additional undesignated funds are generated in the interim.  This is an unlikely scenario, but operational surpluses cannot be predicted.  Additionally, some technology projects may generate reimbursements under state housing aid if the program remains as it is now.





Undesignated fund balance as of 6/30/07



Undesignated funds planned for 07-08 Budget



Transfer to 08-09 Capital Reserve Account



Available for 08-09 operations Budget



Transfer to 09-10 Capital Reserve Account



Available for 09-10 Operations Budget



Available for 10-11 Operations Budget





Recommended Projects for 2008-2009


Middle School Computer Lab                                                $35,000


The District Technology Plan includes computer labs in each of our schools.  We currently have 14 labs (1 at each elementary school, 2 at each middle school and 6 at the high school).  We are using a 7 year replacement plan for the labs and this will update the machines at Broad Rock Middle school that have reached that threshold.


Telecommunication Program                                                $20,000


This has been identified as a priority by our administrators and school committee.   Communications with parents and the community is considered essential for the school district.  As such, we have replaced our aging analog phone systems with IP technology and have added a voicemail system to the existing switch at BRMS.  Our efforts in this budget year will be to install telephones in classrooms.  SKHS, PDES, and CCMS will have phones in most classrooms at the end of this year.  This effort will do the same for WKES, MES, and WES.



Budget 2008-2009                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Capital Purchase Program (5200)


Fiscal Year              2007-2008

Fiscal Year             2008-2009

Fiscal Year                  2009-2010

Fiscal Year 2010-2011

Fiscal Year 2011-2012

Fiscal Year  2012-2013

Fiscal Year  2013-2014




















High School Computer Lab.









Middle School Computer Labs









Elementary Computer Labs









Telecommunications Program









Administrative Computers









Computer Equity/Replacement









Network Hardware



























 District Projects


















Painting Program









Vehicle Replacement Program









Track Resurfacing









Parking Lot Repaving






















































Operational Appropriation

 $  245,000

 $  250,000

 $  250,000

 $      250,000

 $    250,000

 $   250,000

 $   250,000


Undesignated Funds

 $             -  

 $    85,000

 $  122,000

 $               - 

 $                -  

 $               -  

 $               -  



 $  245,000

 $  335,000

 $  372,000

 $      250,000

 $    250,000

 $   250,000

 $   250,000
