South Kingstown Public Schools

District Newsletter                      electronic edition                     September 2008


Click on the article you want to read

SK’s Teacher-of-the-Year

SK Report Cards Available

Education Foundation Awards

SK Teacher Named USDOE Fellow

School Committee Outlines Superintendent Search

Superintendent’s Thank You


Robin Wildman - SK’s Teacher-of-the-Year

There are so many excellent teachers in South Kingstown that it is hard to choose one to represent them.  This year, fifteen were nominated to be recognized as our Teacher-of-the-Year, and from among them Wakefield fifth grade teacher Robin Wildman was selected.  As those who know Robin understand, there are a vast number of things she has done to receive this recognition.  In addition to being a superb and dedicated teacher, she is a community leader as well.

While Robin is dedicated to her students’ academics with special emphasis on our writing and social studies programs, she supports the whole child.  She is a leader in Wakefield’s and district’s implementation of Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS), involved her students in the protection of the Saugatucket watershed through the Saugatucket River Heritage Corridor Coalition (you may have seen the newsletter her students publish), spearheaded the effort to create the Sarah McClarnon Memorial Outdoor River Classroom, and brought to the school Kingian Non-Violence techniques so that students would gain the skills to solve real world problems.  Robin will be recognized at the September 9 School Committee meeting and we are proud to have her represent our teachers, our schools, and our community.


SK Report Cards Available

Department of Education reports for South Kingstown elementary schools, middle schools, and high school developed under the state and federal school accountability system are available to you on the internet at  Just follow the link on our home page for School and District Report Cards.  Also available are similar reports from your child’s school and a guide for interpreting the reports.

The accountability system is a result of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) that requires all schools and districts to have every child (100%) achieve rigorous state standards by 2015.  Intermediate targets are set by the state in the years between now and 2015.  Not only must overall populations reach the intermediate targets, but eight subgroups of students must each reach the targets too.  The intermediate target score and the results for each group of students are on the report.  There are also non-academic requirements for the percent of students taking the test, attendance in elementary and middle schools, and graduation rate in high school.

If, for any reason, you are unable to access district reports from please fill out the form at the bottom of this page, send it to your child’s school or the district office (307 Curtis Corner Road, Wakefield 02879) or call the district office at 360-1300 and a copy of the report cards and guide will be mailed to you.

Also on the district web site is our own report card that includes additional information about the schools based on the district accountability system.   Extensive information from which both the Department of Education and local report cards are developed is available at the Department of Education web site, and there is a link at  This includes data on assessments, SALT surveys, school spending and other information.




Please send me a copy of the reports checked off below:

            District Report Cards (3)                                    High School Report Card

            Broad Rock Report Card                                   Curtis Corner Report Card

            Peace Dale Report Card                                     Matunuck Report Card

            West Kingston Report Card                               Wakefield Report Card

            Quick Guide








Education Foundation Awards

South Kingstown Education Foundation (SKEF) awarded over $11,000 for fourteen grants this year.  SKEF grants are awarded annually for projects that foster breadth and excellence in public schools, transcend traditional school boundaries, and build a community-wide learning environment.  The grants are funded through a combination of funds in SKEF’s endowment, held at the Rhode Island Foundation, and funds raised in its annual teacher appreciation appeal and other donations.  The projects are:  

·  Heart Rate Monitors - to be used during physical education classes to monitor heart rates. 

·  Aviation Simulation Equipment –software and equipment for the Aviation Simulation Club. 

·  Acid Rain Analysis Equipment – for science classes to test the levels of nitrate and sulfate concentrations and pH in local water samples. 

·  Museum Social Studies Partnership – supporting the Museum of Primitive Art and Culture for visits and the Community Walking Tour. 

·  High School Science Fair - to allow more high school students to participate in local and state science fairs. 

·  Artists Among Us Project - the Courthouse Center for the Arts in connection with its “Artists Among Us” project. 

·  Early Literacy Series – books and related supplies for a reading hour series to foster early literacy skill development among at-risk children and their families. 

·  South Kingstown High School Parent Teacher Group - to offset costs associated with the just launched annual Eighth Grade Open House. 

·  Carbon Dioxide Monitoring –carbon dioxide probe sensors to be used in multiple applications by students in biology and chemistry classes. 

·  Paths Towards Success – Everyday Mathematics Game Kits for homework club participants in grades 3 – 8 and sixth graders.  

·  Renzulli Learning – expand the use of the Renzulli web based learning coach.   

·  Rebel Cafe –to purchase equipment needed to open a Café at the high school to be staffed by Life Skills students. 

·  Mathlete’s Quest - to host a newly launched math showcase and competition for all third grade students in South Kingstown. 

·   Most Improved Student Award –the most improved student awards at South Kingstown High School.    


SK Teacher Named USDOE Fellow

High School mathematics teacher Jennifer Cloud has become a Classroom Teaching Ambassador Fellow for the US Department of Education.  The DOE chooses teachers currently in service to serve as fellows to add critical teacher perspective to department’s work and to share information effectively with the field.  It provides an opportunity for outstanding public school teachers to expand their leadership roles outside the classroom, strengthen the connection between policies and classroom practice, and highlight teacher voice in the education community.  This does not detract from her teaching responsibilities at SKHS as the commitment to the federal government is an added responsibility.  SK is proud of Jennifer for her selection and knows she’ll be an asset to Washington as well.

School Committee Outlines Superintendent Search

Seeks Community Members to Serve on Screening Panel

At the September 9 School Committee meeting, Robert Hicks announced his intention to step down at the end of the current school year, ending his 17-year career as a superintendent, the last seven served in South Kingstown.  The School Committee plans a search process that includes the community in both candidate screening and interviews.

Letters of interest are sought to serve on a panel that will review applications and provide input to the School Committee on which candidates to interview.  Those interested should address their letters to Committee Chair Tony Mega at either his home address or in care of the school department (search details at  It is expected that from those letters each School Committee member will appoint two panelists to broadly reflect the community.  Additionally, finalist interviews will be held in public with community members having an opportunity to provide feedback on the candidates.  It is hoped to name a new superintendent in January.


Dear South Kingstown,

As the above article on the superintendent search indicates, I will be ending my career as a superintendent with this school year.  It has been a pleasure to create these newsletters in an effort to let you know what is happening in our schools.  Very often they’ve included good news, as I think represents our overall work, and also some difficult issues, such as redistricting, school closing, and budget cuts.  At this time, I write to thank you for letting me be a part of the South Kingstown Schools.  Please know that there is not one single day where I do not realize the tremendous responsibility that comes when a community entrusts you with the education of its children.  Still, there is a year to go with much to do.

Thank you, Bob Hicks